Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The Twinkies go to school...

Yay! 3 hours alllll alone! I cleaned the bathroom closet - threw away half a bin bag full of expired medicines and shampoos, etc. The closet is neatly organized now. I cleaned the mirror, sink, toilet. If you look, you can see yourself in the mirror again. That all took me 1.5 hours. Then I sat down and looked around and didn't know what to do next! Go figure. I ran out of steam on the first day. Oh well, hopefully there are plenty more of these quiet mornings. Today it's Commissary with no kids along to fight. Woo-hoo!

Twinkies had fun at school yesterday. Like a bad mom, I forgot my camera when I took them AND when I picked them up so there are no official "here's the kids in front of their school" photos for you. I tried to get them to sit together on the steps when they got home but William threw a pout and wouldn't do it. Oh well. You can see the results below.

I did a bit of knitting and spinning yesterday afternoon. The new Barbie movie was on TV the other day (Sunday) and I DVRd it for the kids...they have watched it 5 times already! Sheesh. Barbie, Barbie, Barbie. Even William asked for it when he woke up this morning! Tinna has asked me to buy it. I told her to ask Santa. =) Soooo...spinning...BORDER LEICESTER love-ah!!! I'm loving this new roving I got from my spinning instructor. It's sooo easy to spin and draft. I think I will actually be able to hit sock-weight with this one. I'm not sure if it's my abilities improving or if it's the wool. I'm giving the credit to the wool but you can see my progress below. One photo with flash and one without. I thought the flash added too much orange and I was sitting by the window in the late afternoon. Not sure which is most accurate so I'll put them both here for you.

Time to get the kiddies off to school and get my groceries!

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