Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Horrible night

Horrible night of sleep last night. I got in bed around 10:50 and read for a little while. Lights out about 11:15. I had difficulty falling asleep and around 11:30, William started coughing repeatedly. At 11:40, I got up and gave him more medicine and made him go pee (because you know, had I not done that, he would have called for me as soon as I fell asleep!). It took him at least until midnight to stop coughing. I finally fell asleep. He started coughing again at 5:30 this morning but at least he didn't call me or get out of bed. I fell back into a disturbed sleep and woke again around 7:10 or so...got up, walked the dog, and Delaney was up around 7:30, I think. I was already checking email and having my coffee. Still no sun today but at least the rain has stopped. Hopefully we'll see sun by the afternoon. I'm really sick of gray.

Twinkies are home "sick" from school today. They could probably go since they do not have fevers, but both are coughing and having runny noses. Tuesday is always swimming day, so I felt it prudent to keep them warm and dry this week. After Delaney leaves for school we're hitting the Commissary for some groceries. Fun, fun. I don't have anything else planned for today besides finishing the beds and knitting.

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