Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Worthwhile time-wasting site about books

Ok, so, I was all set to write about the plight of the Honey Bees in the United States, but now I've changed my mind and all I'll say is there are a number of people in this country who will be "sending healing energy" to the Honey Bees on May 2nd. If you can do this, too, great! Read this article, then think about the bees and all they do for us, and maybe about how you can help...any small thing makes a difference. Personally, I'm trying to buy more organic foods and maybe even grow a few edible plants when we get settled in our new house (I'm thinking strawberries, herbs, and an indoor Mandarin orange tree.) On May 2nd, cast your healing spell, say your prayers, or just have a simple moment in remembrance of what the Honey Bees (and Mother Nature) give us and that we take for granted each and every day.

Now...back to the excitement at hand...earlier tonight I sat down to do a Google search for a story that I vaguely remember from childhood. It involves an ill boy and a porcelain Easter egg that he could look into and see things. Don't know if he could see the future or current happenings...but I think he sees the Easter Bunny visiting a bunch of children but for some reason he was afraid the bunny would not visit him. This is about all I can remember. It's more a feeling of remembering that I loved the story when I heard it. (If any of you remember this as a movie or a book or know the title, please post a comment, I'm going crazy here!) At any rate, I am still not able to discover the title BUT my search did lead me to a pretty amazing site called Loganberry Books where they have a "Stump the Bookseller" area. For $2, you can make a submission with whatever details you remember and hopefully, someone will soon be able to give you an answer and you can stop being insane like ME. Now, here's the time waster bit - I've been digging around in the archives for almost 2 hours now and have discovered the title of one book I've always wanted to read again...Jane-Emily (Sue, did you read this in elementary school? It seems like something you might have had your hands on, too.) A story about a young girl who is haunted by the ghost of another mean little girl who died at age 12. Every time I see a gazing ball in someone's yard I think of this book...and have done so since age 11. You know the thoughts that plague children, and some adults, "I want to look in that beautiful ball but I'm so afraid/nervous/excited that someone else's face will show up right next to mine!" So you look at the pretty thing from a distance because you don't know if you are brave enough to handle what *might* happen. Arrgh! (Sorry, but I STILL refuse to look into mirrors in the night if I get up to pee or something, too. CREEPY.) I'm so relieved I now know the title of Jane-Emily and can get a copy to read again! I love discovering sites like this one. Not only was I sitting there looking for my own memories, I was reading other people's memories, too. And I could look at the lists and say "OH YEAH! I remember reading that one!!!" And it brings to mind more and more books that I've actually started a list here...5 so far that I'm now searching for. Too cool.

Here's another one I'm stumped on...short story...I read this around 1984 or 1985...a sci-fi story, I think. When you start reading it, you think you are reading about wild people...maybe a long time ago, think stone-age era...then you start getting little clues as to what is going on...the main boy in the story is told not to eat any food he finds in glass jars because it could be contaminated. Even though the food may smell fine, it can kill. He climbs through the abandoned buildings that surround him, that sort of thing. In the end, it turns out that this story is about the after-effects of nuclear war and these people are living in a future NYC. If you think you know it and can save me the $2, let me know!

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