Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Back to school!

We've been extremely busy over the past month...a visit to Grammy & Pappy's house in PA in August...a trip to a nearby lake, Dutch Wonderland...back home for YMCA camps and school shopping...back to PA this past week-end for the PA Renaissance Faire...and a family picnic in York where we set off water rockets! School finally started yesterday. Everyone was quite excited and had a GREAT first day. William told me last night that he was excited to wake up and go to his "next first day!" You can find photos on Flickr. (click the Flickr badge on the right hand side of this blog)


Kathy said...

I'm glad everyone had a good day!

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Welcome back to the blogosphere! We missed you!

The socklady said...

email me at socklady at lincsat dot com and I'll tel you what I know about Sandi knitting 8 socks all at once.

Shannon said...

Rose: Not sure if I'm back. I've kind of lost interest in blogging. I really love Facebook for updating my friends. I wish everyone I knew and loved had a Facebook account.

Lynne: I'll email you later today. Thank you!!!

Harpa Jónsdóttir said...

"The next first day" - that is the spirit!