Tuesday, February 26, 2008

A last minute post

I'm beat tonight...about ready to go to bed but I had to post this photo of the þel sweater that I've been working on. The sleeves still need to be attached but everything is knitted. Almost done! Perhaps I'll be able to post the final photo tomorrow night?!?! One can only hope. I've not even been finished with the sweater for 5 minutes and I'm already thinking "Now what should I start?". I have so many options. Socks are especially appealing because they are small and portable. I can't start the dreadie hat until my shipment from Woodland Woolworks gets here...I had to order needles from them because I cannot seem to find affordable ones at our LYS.

So...I now present to you...the þel sweater. In correct Icelandic alphabet, actually using the "thorn" (þ) instead of the usual American bastardization of it as a "P". It is pronounced "thel" and not "pel". So, now you know.

Also, a photo of the sweetest thing...Delaney reading to William. I've waited years for the day when I could say "Go read a story to your brother and sister!" Ha! Now I can say it and it can be done.

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