Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Don't let little green snakes cross your path!

I just got back from a 2 mile walk with the twinkies. It's been an overcast, drizzly kind of day but the sun came out just as we finished lunch...almost as if it was telling us to get out of the house. We began our walk heading up the main street and looping the new neighborhood from Monday. There is a GORGEOUS yard there with lots of butterfly and bee friendly I'm trying to study that to get ideas for my yard for next summer. I wanted to snap some photos but I always worry that folks will get bugged by that, so I didn't.

After that loop, we came back down the big street, past our house and then past the street that Laney's school is on and into another neighborhood we haven't walked before. Oh, I forgot to mention there is a "rails-to-trails" trail right across the street from our house! I discovered it about 2 weeks ago (Sue, it runs perpendicular to the other trail that you saw when you were here) and have been wanting to walk it ever since. As we entered the new neighborhood, the twins saw the trail and said they wanted to walk on it instead. Fine by me. I grabbed a big stick as I was nervous about dogs coming out at us. Good thing I had the stick because about 5 minutes into the trail, we saw the little green guy in the picture below. He wasn't really in a hurry to move out of our way so I just scooted him along with the stick. Phew! The twins were pretty impressed by him (we sat and watched him for a minute or two before I moved him) and by how fast he could slither. Back to the is beautiful...almost like being in another world. We could see lots of birds flying around and we passed farm land and even a swimming hole. I'm so happy I bought this heavy-duty stroller with the bike wheels on it! It gives us better opportunities for adventures than the old Graco or the double umbrella stroller.

Now, we are back home and waiting for Laney to get off the bus. It is about 10 degrees cooler today but the humidity is still here.

Photos: Tinna at the window watching the cardinal this morning. Looking north on trail. Looking south on trail. Farmland. Green garden snake. Swimming hole (I don't think I'd swim there!).

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