Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Great Kitty Litter Experiment

Yeah, yeah. I know the titles are starting to head south. What's up with all of these "experiments" anyway? Well, you already know about the Plum Stone Experiment so now I thought I'd share a few words about the Great Kitty Litter Experiment. You see, it's like this folks...

The night before the loaders came to move our stuff in CA, Tinna barfed all over our reclining loveseat. We cleaned it, put it outside overnight to air out, and thought that would be the end of it. When the un-loaders came to our house here in VA, one of the first pieces of furniture they brought into our house was said loveseat. P.U.! (For those of you reading this abroad, that translates to STINKY or SMELLY) At first, we thought the smell was coming from one of the moving guys. They were big and sweaty but after they left, the smell lingered. For days. Eventually we discovered it was the barf couch. I have tried to clean it with: Borax, Clorox Wipes, Resolve Pet Odor spray, another Pet Odor product (this is how it was said to treat vomit smells online), and I've tried stuffing dryer sheets in the couch, too. Nothing has worked. Oh, and what I forgot to mention is that the loveseat is not made from fabric. It is leather. And the cushions do not come out. Since it is a recliner it's all one piece. Yay. So...the other day my Auntie Lori suggested kitty litter. "Why can't you get some kind of mesh bag and put kitty litter in there? That absorbs odors." Light bulb on over my head! A-ha! Today I finally remembered to buy pantyhose at the store. (I hate hose and hardly ever wear them. YUCK. Along with bras, they are the **worst** products ever invented for women.) And kitty litter. So, this morning, we have embarked on what is now known as the Great Kitty Litter Experiment. Will the kitty litter hide the smell from the barfy couch? If so, GREAT! If not, the barf couch will quickly become history.

What else is going on? My dad and his wife Kathy have been visiting since Friday. My dad has been busy doing odd jobs around my house. Mowing the lawn, putting in lights in the attic, putting license plates on the cars, oh...and moving in furniture that used to belong to my grandparents. All that kind of fun stuff.

I'm heading up to work in the attic in a little while. The goal is to unpack all of the boxes labeled "school stuff". Who the hell knows what is in those. Our movers were complete morons. I can't even begin to tell you the items that we've found damaged. (Yesterday the big find was professional black and white portraits of the kids...I found them still inside their cardboard protector but bent in half)

Right now, I'm writing this and listening to classic Fleetwood Mac on "Wolfgang's Vault". ( Thanks to Rose's husband for this incredible find!

Here are some clothes on the kids (dresses by Grammy), hutch with fine china (yay!), and a sort of completed formal dining room. All that's missing is the wine cabinet and pictures on the wall!


Darien Fisher-Duke said...

How do you like my WorldCat link? Just figured out how to put it on my blog page! I will tag you with a meme if you want, but maybe you'd prefer not...

Shannon said...

Funny you mention that...we put WorldCat on our pc when you first told me about it. For some reason, hubby took it off...guess it bothered him. I like your link. Maybe I should add one, too as I had almost forgotten about WorldCat! The other day I was searching for the book: The King, The Champion and The Sorcerer: A Study in Germanic Myth Lotte Motz; 1996; ISBN 3900538573 and the closest library is University of Richmond (is that right???). SO, my question to you you think Portsmouth Public Library will do an ILL for this item for me? Do you have any connections there? It will cost me an arm and a leg to buy it and I'd really like to see it first.

Oh, and I'm so behind the times, I have NO IDEA what a meme is!!!

Unknown said...

Well, Portsmouth will first try to get it through PL channels, then they'll expand to regional libraries if they can't find it, and so on, up the ladder. So they might end up getting it for you from UR--you might have to encourage them. I don't have borrowing privileges at UR, but we can always go to their library to look at the book when you come to Richmond to visit...there is a nice, small lake with a wooden bridge and gazebo that your kids would like.
Meme: I like the definition at "in blogspeak, an idea that is spread from blog to blog ", usually by "tagging" someone. You tag them with questions, they answer them, then they send the same questions off to others who then are tagged, answer them, and so on...My last two posting are the only examples in my blog, because I've only been tagged twice ;-)

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

Above comment is me. My son didn't log off my computer after using it, hee hee...

Darien Fisher-Duke said...

...And, the unique thing about the meme that Alda sent is that the questions are individually crafted for each person in the "chain."