Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Pictures from the 'hood

Now that I'm a short-timer (not that I wasn't from the beginning, mind you), I'm starting to feel nostalgia for this place. Maybe it's spring, maybe it's knowing that I'll soon be gone from here, I can't quite put my finger on it but the people in our neighborhood are great and have been so friendly and helpful from the beginning...that we've felt more at home here than we ever did in Florida. So, I am now finding myself wandering around the 'hood taking photos of things that I always want to remember.

The most impressive thing about this neighborhood is the roses. I don't think I've ever seen roses the likes of the ones they grow here in San Diego. Full, beautiful, vigorous bloomers. I aspire to have roses just like these when I get to my new house.

It was mostly cloudy and cool (50's) today. The sun finally came out around 4pm and warmed it up a bit. Just in time for our afternoon walk. I actually remembered to grab the camera and took these shots below.

Walking east down our street you will see this plant at the Rose House first...

Two tones of pink on one rose.

Continuing east along the fence you will see my most favorite plant of all. If only I had "Smell-O-Vision" so I could record what this rose smells like. There is nothing like it in the entire world and I stop every single time I walk past to sniff it.

The Most Beautiful Rose in the Whole World.

Classic pink rose beauty. Before I move from here I am going to stop to ask the men who live in this house if they know the exact name of it. I NEED TO HAVE ONE!!!

Rosebud on the bush.

Still walking east, the next plant is Delaney's favorite.

The red rose.

Delaney's bush from a bit of a distance.

She swears this rose smells the best in the whole world. It only goes to show how olafactories differ because I don't think so. It is very mild in comparison to the pink rose above.

Round the corner and now heading south you'd see this white bush.

Everytime I pass it I think of the cards in Alice In Wonderland singing "We're painting the roses red". Gorgeous bush, it's constantly in bloom.

Part way through our walk tonight we met up with Rachel and Bella and friend in stroller. (Rachel isn't in the photo).

This yard appears after rounding the next corner and now heading west. It is a beautiful yard but has the strangest grass (turf?) I've ever seen in my life. I was very freaked out by it the first time I saw it. In the summer, it was very green but now it's a bit brown here and there. Delaney sat on it once and got a bum full of prickles, so it's not soft to the touch!

Further west you'd see two beautiful Bird of Paradise bushes. I've always found these plants intriguing since they do look just like birds.

Some walls that the kids like to walk on.

A really nice Bottle Brush plant. Much nicer and fuller than the one we had in our yard in FL. And that pretty much completed our walk this afternoon.

Tinna goofing in bed last night.

Along with William who put Tinna's kitty carrier on his head.

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