Wednesday, April 25, 2007


I was so sad this morning. I was really in the mood to hear some Neil Young...After the Gold Rush is my absolute favorite and I already had some of the songs running through my mind. I guess I love this album best because I grew up listening to my dad's 8-Track of it. "Hey, Hey, Cripple Creek Ferry" I still remember looking out the car window and singing it and wanting to hear it over and over again. Anyway, I never alphabetized my CD collection (modest, only just over 500) when we moved to CA so I couldn't find the CD today. I looked 3 or 4 times and am still sore that I can't seem to see it.

SO, I saw The Beatle's "1" sitting in front of my face and went ahead and put it on. It wasn't really what I wanted to hear but whatever. It's what I played and I was able to get the dinner ready for the crockpot while I sang. That was the main idea anyway. As I was finishing, "Paperback Writer" came on. I have totally forgotten about this song in all these years. Wow, did this bring back some memories. THIS song was one of my favorites as a child, too. I think of my babysitter LizzyB every time I hear it. I remember singing it with her and thinking maybe *I'D* be a writer someday. Ha! ("Paperback Writer" and "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" are both great LizzyB songs. We sang together all the time. She was, still is, the COOLEST.)

Anyway, enough of my rambling, as usual. I'm taking the kids Strawberry Picking with the playgroup today. Bet it will be a fun time if I can control myself and not get uptight when the kids start eating more than they're picking. I guess it's bound to happen. More tomorrow.

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