Saturday, March 31, 2007


I have to give a shout out to Rose for posting this on her blog Icelandic Fever: A Southern Saga It has absolutely NOTHING to do with Iceland but I still love it. I just spent 5 minutes clicking from one "found" item to another and was beginning to laugh my ass off...when I realized I should share it with everyone, too. Never heard of it before and I can tell already it's one of those time-wasters that I really need in my life. The kind of thing I will sit down and look at when the twins are sleeping in the afternoon and it's too quiet to vacuum and I really need to laugh and I just don't know what else to do!

Ok, ok...THIS one has to be my absolute FAVORITE out of the 20 or so I've read. Hopefully no one is offended by this but, seriously, I CANNOT stop laughing... Be sure to read the explanation by the finder at the end. Too frickin' funny!!!


Darien Fisher-Duke said...

I can do you one better! Here's the ultimate time-waster and chuckler, although it is a tad bit morbid:

If you liked Found Magazine, you'll love the Darwin Awards!(Warning: they don't have anything to do with Iceland either; the Icelandic gene pooll is already small...)

Mojo said...

Oh, goodness, yet another reason to turn Barney on in the morning....