Monday, April 14, 2008


Oceana NEX rocks. Here's what I hinted about in yesterday's post...

I didn't have enough time to build it last night and it rained a bit this morning. The sun is out now so I got it done a short while ago. I am woman, hear me roar! I think it is perfectly romantic and befitting a rose garden. I can picture a beautiful climber going up the side of it...and me sitting and sipping iced tea while reading this's big enough for two...or three. I think we'll enjoy it!

Today: I vacuumed my house, put away laundry, spun some plotulopi, and baked these mini-brownie bites below. Thanks Auntie Lori. Basically, you just use a boxed brownie mix and spoon into a mini-muffin pan. Be sure you don't fill each hole more than 3/4 full. Bake 12-14 minutes at 350F and cool for 5 minutes - then remove them with a plastic knife. Yields about 40. The green ones have melted mint chips on top. I also spread peanut butter on one of the plain ones. Yummmy. Thank goodness for the exercise bike!


Anonymous said...

Reading and sipping tea? What about romance, the title of your post? Maybe you and the hub could break it in.

Anonymous said...

Just remember before you plant anything to climb up the new bench that roses have thorns and attract bees. Kathy

Shannon said...

Lori: why does romance have to involve sex? It's the idea and the look that is romantic. See here:
Nowhere does it say "sex with your husband on arbor bench in front yard". That would be, honestly, quite unromantic.

Kathy: that's ok. I like thorns and bees. (Save our Honeybees!)That way I'm not stuck having sex with my husband in the front yard like Lori suggests!

Anonymous said...

Sure beats the naked tribal dance you were planning last week.