Thursday, April 05, 2007


It's been a strange sort of week. The kids have colds, I had something odd two nights ago...wasn't sure if it was a stomach virus or what but I was wiped out yesterday and still feel a bit off today. A complete lack of energy.

The clear-out bug is beginning to hit me, as it always seems to do just before a move. I went through Tinna's clothes today and managed to get rid of a large-ish box and large garbage bag full of stuff she can't wear any longer. I'm hoping someone else can use them...if not, I'll donate them to the charity shop. Delaney's room and TOYS are next on the list. Nothing is safe. We just cannot move all of this stuff with us again. We did have a good clear out last August but there's still more that can go. Oh, and for any family reading this...PLEASE DO NOT SEND STUFFED ANIMALS EVER AGAIN!!! They **are** cute and the kids love them, but seriously, we just do not have the space for all of them. I have a very bad habit of attaching sentimental value to these stupid things and it pains me to give them away. If you feel the need to spend, you can always donate to the college funds instead. Thanks!

And anyway...below is an Easter greeting I received today. It looks like our Henry so I had to share it.

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since nothing is safe from being gotten rid of, I thinks it's time for the "stinkys" to go too. Perferably to the trash and not to Goodwill.