Saturday, March 24, 2007

The one who was lost is now found!

Sounds like the title of a sermon, right? Don't worry, I haven't been saved and it's not. Here's the story...

Anyone who knows my kids knows the power of the "Softie" (or "Stinkie" as my dad calls it). I'd post a photo of Softie to go with this entry but my camera is currently in VA. Snoedel (, aka "softie" can right any wrong in the entire world. Delaney has had one since she was 4 months old...and she's actually on "Number 2" now. Tinna has 2 of them, and William had one but lost it at the FL State Fair just before his 1st birthday and never really took to his Number 2. Anyway...last night before bed, we could not find Tinna's Softie. I looked everywhere in the house, in every purse, backpack, and toy that I could think of. I looked outside in the playhouse and in the baskets on the tricycles. I-just-could-not-find-it. I told Tinna she would have to learn to love "Number 2" and make it through the night the best she could. There were a few tears but nothing too major and this morning she got out of bed holding Number 2, happy as could be.

Fast forward to our walk this morning. Since Steve is in VA, it is up to the 4 of us to be sure Henry has his morning and evening constitutionals. As we walked around the block, the kids ran ahead of me and started yelling about something. Tinna came running back, Softie in hand screaming "William found my Softie! William found my Softie!" Apparently she had put it on the ground yesterday evening when she stopped to play in some dirt...and Softie was still there! NO WONDER I COULDN'T FIND IT! Ahhh, a happy ending! William is the hero of the day and Tinna has her precious Softie in her arms again.

PS. Softie is currently in the washing machine with a load of towels...just to be safe!

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