Saturday, September 09, 2006

Oh, the crap I've kept...

Moving to San Diego has afforded me an opportunity to sort through a lot of junk that I've been carrying around for years. Today, I started in on some file boxes full of papers. Papers from 1993 and stubs, health care receipts, retirement statements, magazine articles on various name it, I still had it. It feels great to be rid of this stuff...some of it carries painful memories. Still, there are a few things I'm hanging notes Stace left on my door in college...limmericks we wrote about each other and those we wrote about "Lardass, Lucifer, and the Satan Twins", photos of T in the Collegian, cards from Anne Lise in Norway, and all of my OCLC/ILL/PRLC training materials...because, you know, when I finally DO get back to work, it will help me immensely to look through all of that. (BWAHAHAHAHA, I'm *still* such a pack rat! I just can't give it up.) Anyway, you can see the before and after photos above. It's all been reduced to fit into 1 file box instead of 3.

The weather is beautiful today, low 70's. Steve is outside washing the cars. It's almost too cold to swim. We were going to go to a kite fly later but the kids have been so naughty and cranky (mama, too). Delaney has a tummy ache, I'm fighting a cold or something and popping the Trimune again, who knows what is wrong with the twins - except for the fact that they got up at 6am! I know one thing, I'm ready for naptime!

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